April 23, 2004

i stumbled on a story today about how much walmart fucks it's employees. you know all those commercials about how great it is to work for walmart. why do you think they need commercials? if it was really great to work there, every one would know already. we wouldn't need them to tell us, we'd all be smiling with those blue vests on. so what is it they're up to now, filling in a marsh so they can build the third walmart in my town? or your town? well yeah. ofcourse they are doing that. but more importantly they're doing this .
in other great news, Bush visited wells for his earth day celebrations. he believes that his administration has put through the most important environmental legislation, ever. why, because some reports are showing that our resources are cleaner than they have been in twenty years. now it's important that we remember to give bush credit for thirty years of EPA Legislation but not to blame him for the economy because that was all clinton's fault. i love how politics work, don't you? if you're the president, you get to decide all kinds of cool stuff, like what to bomb next, who to invite to your publicly funded campaign stops, what is and is not logic. it would be great fun.
and since when do doctors get to decide who to treat. even in michigan. those tricky catholics. i can say that as my mom was a nun and she hates them too. well she would never say she hated someone, or something, but she strongly disagrees with their doctrine. she has no respect for the organization. she'll have even less when she hears about this.

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