August 09, 2005

kirsten is good at propaganda. she should work for the government. she's that good.
she sent me kitten pictures including one hand drawn in marker featuring me playing with two blue eyed grey furred kittens and and chairman meow with a sad face. two kittens you say? why yes, because the home fell through for kitten b. i'm so soft. how can i have three cats? how can i separate two happy sisters? I CAN'T HAVE THREE CATS. matt, oh matt who will suffer in silence and say "i can't believe you have three cats."
they are the cutest little grey fuzzies you ever saw, with blue eyes the size of frenchman's bay*.

****this just in "do we need 3 kitties?" says matt. the we is another story but he's quite right. but how do i say no to a homeless kitten who loves it's sister? DEAR GOD HOW?**** when he sees the pictures he won't be able to turn them down either, but really, what will i do with three kitties?

*unnecessary obscure local reference.

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