October 06, 2005

i got my first phonecall about the GEO. and i'm a moron already. i kept reminding myself that i was going to get random phone calls, but i forgot. this gent wanted to know the miles, and since i couldn't remember that either, i had to call him back. and i had to leave him a message. if you've ever received a phone message from me, you know how embarrassing it must have been. i'm assuming that either it'll be a no sale on that call, or he'll wheedle me into the ground based on my stupidity. i guess we'll see. i'm going to practice being articulate for the next one, if there is a next one. i wonder what insurance would give us if we just torched it and called it a freak accident. not that i would do that. on purpose.
while i was talking to my dad, he was telling me all about his adventures in babysitting. apparently grace was feeding him last night. she was repaying the favor. she'll be allset to take care of the next baby.
i spent my evening washing the mold from my bathroom ceiling with a bleach solution. old houses i guess. i imagine it'll be better when it's cold, what self-respecting kind of mold would live in maine in the winter. all the hip molds go to palm beach.
i was in ellsworth also yesterday, shamedly shopping at walmart. where else is one supposed to buy laundry detergent? there's no local laundry store to patronize. there just isn't. so i went to walmart and i'm going to give the arm & hammer a try. it was cheap and it's full of baking soda goodness. i was considering the woolite dark wash, because of satan's dress code, but what happens if you wash something light in the dark wash? i'm too lazy to separate and i never have enough quarters* anyway so i just wash everything in cold. so arm & hammer it is. they make great kitty litter, why not laundry detergent? the possibilities of baking soda are seemingly endless.

*i could go to the gas station next door and get quarters, but the teeth to employee ratio is way off the norm and they make me nervous.

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