December 17, 2002

i forgot to blog about the package i received yesterday. from my sister. after i let my dad go out and get the mail because there wouldn't be any mail for me...i got a package and the tuition bill. yay. but anyway i got the cutest calendar from grandmastah phris in japan. it's little t shirts on little hangers that have the calendar printed on them. how very christine. also little koi magnets and such. i must send her something... i'm the worst sister ever. i didn't even have her new address until she sent the package. my mother called her last night and woke her up for work. apparently she moved to a less good part of town but there are more foreigners and people don't notice her so much, yay for that. she used to have this guy that would sit on the porch of the apartment across the way and stare at her. weird. she said it's not like america where you end up dead, they just don't know it's rude. school children apparently say very rude things to her all the time that they learn from tv or whatever...she fears that someday they are going to get beat up. after the conversation my mother told me that my sister speaks so beautifully and so's a shame you have to say dude all the time. she didn't really say that but it was right on the tip of her tongue. dude, whatever. i totally speak with class, like all the time. oh well.

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