January 15, 2003

kitty is looking out the window wagging his tail. so cute. he let me cuddle him today. he loves me. my slightly drunk mom and i voted last night. i've never voted in the actual place before. it wasn't so exciting, really. it was a special election about the water plant. i voted and i don't really have any idea what i voted for. rock on democracy. can't visit holly, have no car. do we think dad will let us take his new truck into boston...we thought not. except for all the things i hit i have an exemplary driving record. i now am the proud owner of the world's tiniest ironing board. the mother insisted i keep the crease in my pants. kitty is stalking the birds at the bird feeder. when he goes outside for real he just captures leaves, and brings them in the house, trophy leaves. my kitty is a humanitarian. my dad bought me more cookie mix. we think he is not serious about his weight watching. oh well. i am off to prepare to work on monhollon's paper. i have new inspiration because i just remembered i have a meeting with him first thing when we get back.

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