June 14, 2003

saw the kitty, very pretty. she was not pleased to see me though. i'm sure we'll get on famously. i have tomorrow off. i'm so excited. ofcourse annie has to work all day, but i get to go to the opera house and see the hours and watch annie project...or whatever. so, i decided today that i don't like driving. although i got the lord of the rings on cd, which is quite fun. it makes my journey seem not so long or terrifying. not that it's really terrifying. it's beautiful. the mountains were all misty today and it was very lovely. everyone should come visit. so anyway, i have nothing of any real interest to say. i want kitty to be my friend. she's furry and she looks soft. if we were friends i could pet her and we could frolic. but she's rumored to be sort of a bitchy cat, which is why annie's mom had to adopt her, but i want to be her friend anyway. her name is princess, which is exactly what she is. she can sleep with sarah when sarah comes to visit. i'm sure you'll get along famously.

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