December 19, 2003

why don't i get to have cool dreams like annie. do i get to have adventures? go through secret passages? have miraculous life changing experiences? no! i dreamed that charlotte called me and asked me to work. how weird is that? i had to think this morning, no i'm not working there anymore. it was weird and not at all cool. annie gets all the cool dreams. sheesh. but she does pamper me in my squeaky state. so far that's all that wrong with me. i'm very tired and blah and squeaky. but she lovingly says awww which makes me feel better. i made a groovy pasta salad and fresh salsa last night! and today i'm going to complete a focaccia margherita pizza for the work function. that is the one thing that could work out as a dinner option as we are always looking for dinner stuff. oooh or i could make fresh salsa for sarah and holly because they like salsa...i think. i'm having a bit of cooking frenzy. so far we've had NO customers for our little party. actually no customers at all. does everyone realize that pretty much i just sit around all day. for pay and benefits. hmm

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