February 02, 2004

i forgot some important things...we went to see cold mountain before annie fell into the depths of sick. it was very good. and historically accurate. i was just waiting for them to screw up the first battle but they didn't. they made it seem like it was the end for the guys in the trenches, and then the feds charge and get massacred. silly union. it's an amazing tribute to the combination of money and stupidity that the union won that war. it seems money and stupidity always win. why is that? so anyway i was very impressed that they showed that battle the way it happened.
i was also impressed with the downfalls of the educational system because there was a gaggle of girls who were mocking the movie because "they didn't have lipstick in the civil war" they did, they did, they did. make up has been around for a reallllly long time. and the civil war was not that long ago. it's just like the pan-nazi dinosaurs of ancient india. its a generation of jessica simpsons. why why why?

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