February 12, 2004

i love words, i use them all the time

just in case everyone didn't know, dean won on MDI. not maine. but the island was all about him. and kucinich, who for reasons unknown, has been campaigning in downeast maine hard core. i am befuddled.
i have added a new word of the day because mary was too frustrated with the ridiculous words on the original word of the day, but i think they're kind of funny so now there are two. it's fun to learn words. sadly annie's project was nixed, but it means i get to help her make a model which i'm really excited about. i realised there are alot of things i read that aren't linked on here. such as the belle de jour and where is raed?. very different, but both interesting. i don't know how interested other folks would be. let me know i guess.

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