February 06, 2004

mrs. whatsit hearts tom jones

i've had "it's not unusual" stuck in my head for atleast the past 24 hours. i can't stop singing it. i'm not even sure if that's what its called but i know if i research it i'll be singing it for the rest of my days. mrs. whatsit seemed to like it. i went to bangor last night and yes my glasses are wrong. i would be upset at the inconvenience if i wasn't so glad to know that i'm not crazy. or blind.
so we're expecting snow, sleet and rain all this afternoon. you know what comes next, locusts. it has been a rather tame winter up here. it's weird. fortunately it's a weekend and there's no need to go anywhere.
i'm getting a package, i'm getting a package. oooh mail. i'm so excited.

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