March 26, 2004

kitty was pronounced fine at the vet. she helped me bake cookies and build a table. we were really very busy. kitty was offended by the trailer boys confederate truck. she has high morals about things like that. she wanted to get up in their faces but i decided it would be better to turn off the porch light and double check the deadbolts.
i realized last night that although i have two bathrooms, i only have one medicine cabinet. i was hoping to have two so i could keep dental floss and the like in one, and then really interesting things in the 2nd. people are judged by the contents of their medicine cabinets. it's important. i want fabulous things in my medicine cabinet. like chanel number five and one gorgeous diamond earring. or a rubber chicken foot and hello kitty bandaids. you know, really great stuff.
in other news. i think i have decided that my neighbor is the source of all the smoke and coughing. i think she smokes all day and coughs all night. or even smokes all night and coughs intermittenly. something along those lines. i'm disturbed that i can hear her coughing all the time. i hate to think of how thin the walls are.

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