April 27, 2004

so yesterday i washed every article of clothing in my house, and went grocery shopping,, all in an hour and a half. my express purpose for grocery shopping was to pick up kitty toasting bread. i did pick up some texas toast and i was so full of joy for the kitties to come as i walked to the line, and paid for my groceries. and then, the bagger guy manhandled my kitty bread. downright squished it. he is also the one who manhandles my produce but is not guilty of squeezing my cookie bag. as we can all see, i get very attached to my groceries and i don't like to see them violated. but back to the kitty bread. i did give the bagger a reproachful look, but i don't think he noticed. bastard. on the upside, i made kitties this morning and they are the best kitties so far. i did take pictures, and i will upload tonight. i also took a picture of the outside of the toaster because it makes us all so happy when we see it in the kitchen. it brightens our day. it's so much more than just a toaster.
in other news, my lavender pot has sprouted a new shoot. it's the beginning of something beautiful. i should have five sprouts by september.

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