May 24, 2004

gee mare, i didn't know you were so interested to read about my exciting life. i've been busy this morning. not really busy, but busy enough to have not blogged yet. it's a rainy awful day. but we don't have cicadas so i think there's no reason to complain. one of the big spiders has re-asserted it's dominance in my bathroom. i watch him carefully for sudden movements. you know, just in case. but i have decided that perhaps mr.spider will eat the moths that may eat my clothes and maybe a spider guardian is better than cedar blocks.
in other news i got rid of all of my recycling this weekend. i was beginning to expect a milk jug monster to be drinking a cup of tea one morning when i woke up and so i took it all to the transfer station. i also got $5 in 5 cent returnables, so you can imagine the scope and the possible dangers of a can and bottle monster sitting and chatting with the milk jub monster. i imagine them criticizing my decor and cooking more spirited and original vegetarian dishes than i ever could.
so many issues there...

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