June 23, 2004

oh man, i was just on a roll and i erased it. blah. i'm not feeling bloggy. things have been really busy at work, people want money, and travelers checks, and maine state quarters. and really folks are appaulled that we don't have a supply of our state quarter. to be fair i do have some new hampshires, and a maryland so really i'm doing my bit.
we just had a lovely woman from texas. who was everything a vacationing texan should be. she had alot of shiny jewelry, she had big hair, she was very polite and complimented the state. she appreciated today's sun and didn't yell at us because it rain yesterday. what a nice tourist. it's really hard when people yell at you because it's raining. it's not actually our fault it's raining. or foggy. or whatever.
i was conducting independant research on cars yesterday, part of a fanatical thought freight train that i won't go in to just now. maybe in a few weeks. but anyway, cars. i am remembering back to when we went to pick up kirsten's new car, a toyota corolla from the dealership. and ofcourse we all know how dealerships like to see you as much crap as possible. mud flaps, top coats, you know the thing. so the lady was trying to talk kirsten, who incidentally had no hand in buying the car except that it was under her name and having not even a drivers liscense, her car knowledge was negligible, into extra insurance. (did you follow that?) extra insurance because her car is the most stolen. did you know it costs more to insure cars that are stolen alot. i guess it makes sense, on some level. but as we amies (amy mas was there too) pointed out to her, corollas are also one of the countries most popular and abundant cars so it goes hand in hand that since there are so many corollas, just hanging around in parking lots and garages and stuff that the law of averages on their theft must be higher. right? so because i wonder all the time how it is fair that because your type of car gets stolen alot you should have to pay more, because really it's a corolla. who thinks corolla is a car you have to worry about. good gas mileage, reliable engine. it's not a sexy car. it just doesn't seem right.
anyway, so i was researching the expense of insuring cars. not surprising the geo prizm, which is just like the corolla, is not on top of the high theft lists. but saturns are. old model saturns. and another list had the bonneville on it in number 3. it just doesn't make sense. there seems no rhyme or reason.
i thought car thiefs liked bmws. aren't bmws and mercedes supposed to be stolen alot. aren't they most worthwhile to steal? i mean really, saturns and corollas. are there hordes of busy moms with ready money to buy a hot corolla? preferably with one of those retractable window shades for the back seat. do the car thugs know they'll pay extra for one of those?
i don't even know where that rant came from. but i feel lied to. people on tv don't steal a 1997 saturn sedan. the saturn sedan doesn't appear in the Viper car alarm commercials. it's just wrong.

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