July 06, 2004

i don't think i've gone this long without blogging for a long time. it's easy to get out of the habit when i'm not at work.
so as sarah said, she is home now. the week of sarah fun is now over. we ate alot, we drove around, we saw the deer isle parade and now i'm back at work after a nice long weekend spent cleaning the house.
kitty misses sarah. i can tell. she's venting her misplaced anger about sarah's absence at the neighbor cat who keeps trying to sit on her window. the bitch. it's been a very emotional week for kitty with the thunder and the fireworks and then sarah leaving.
we're quite busy here. apparently the Post Office is refusing to take travelers checks if you don't spend enough money. there were some very confused british folk here earlier. i said "that sounds like the post office" and they said "well then, it's just like ours." i heart cute british people.

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