August 18, 2004

mr. matt just visited me and oooh is it ever weird. not bad weird, good weird. it's nice to connect e-people to real people.

i've been trying to read the paper more because i am feeling vacant and unworldly, but damn it's depressing. they found that missing girls body (her dad is being excorted from prison to attend the funeral), an 11 year old boy is accused of raping two younger boys, the car accident with the 17 year old girl who was not wearing her seatbelt and was seen flying from the car. sometimes it's a blessing to have no damn idea what's going on.

and because i'm a snotty bitch: we were just chiding tia about tonights meeting. because she's being a poo. we've known about the meeting for about two weeks. she with her three calendars didn't write it down and is crabbing because she's supposed to go work out. the irony is that one of our customers, who is an old employee, was telling mary that he wouldn't put up with her behavior as an employer. oooh validation. but she'll soon be gone and hopefully she'll learn something about how you treat people in a professional environment.

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