August 06, 2004

we watched this movie last night as the last of our first fling with netflix. and it was really good. it was teeming with goodness. sarah you must see this movie. now. go and get it right now. we watched aimee and jaguar the other night and i'm really glad we saved big eden for last. we knew that aimee and jaguar wasn't going to end well, but it was chock full of sadness and the subtitles weren't very good. if we spoke better german, we might have liked it better.
but now i want to think about big eden again and how it filled my heart with joy. sigh...

i broke and sort of repaired my bike yesterday, all in pursuit of making it work on the stationary trainer thing. suffice it to say that it is going to take alot more work and the buying of some probably very expensive parts. there is also a ball bearing that sort of fell out. but it seems ok with out it.

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