February 18, 2005

Amy "i'm supposed to be studying for a midterm...err, which is exactly why i'm reading slate. what do you think of slaughtering the last of americas wild horses for the european meat market?" (handy dandy site)

Dennis "Europeans eat horses?"

Amy "apparently. have they no shame?"

Amy "i bet there's a really great horse sauce, and probably a special fork for the horse course. maybe with two prongs, like a hoof."

Dennis "Very funny"

Dennis "Does horse even taste good? I thought that was why we never ate them. Seems weird to eat them, almost like eating the family dog."

Amy "i don't know how horse tastes, i just found the chicken loophole (free range!). oh whoa, but i guess by those standards the horses are free range too. urgh."

and as an aside i've decided to put mare and amymas on payroll to come everyday and tell me i'm hilarious. better than that prozac.

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