February 03, 2005

mary and i spent the afternoon yesterday chatting with mr. financial services. he asked me what kind of car i drove and i said "geo prizm...why?" and he said "oh, i would have guessed volkswagen or honda civic." isn't that weird? he is either psychic or i'm a stereo typical cheap green person. he hinted at the latter. we share alot of cheap people characteristics. he doesn't have tv or a real phone either. the highlight is that even though we are so different we can still bond by being cheap. it's a beautiful thing.
so the thing we were talking about the other day, which thankfully we didn't get into yesterday because i think mary might have lunged at him, about the birth rates went as such: his reasoning for the lesser birth rates is because of abortion. just abortion. i can give it a tiny bit of partial credit, itty bitty, but that cannot be the entire reason. right. that would be discredit all of women's lib and sex ed and even the effect of further industrialization and suburbinization and it would make no sense at all. so you see how i couldn't form a worthwile argument to save my life. i'm having the trouble with the words lately. making sentences and all. so he wins by default. there's a strategic genius behind repetition and a powerful tone.

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