February 11, 2005

moonshadow matt has quite the thread of id theft info on his page. makes me proud!
my quiz for law and banking got an %85(is the percent supposed to go after the number? is there a hyphen in anal retentive?. even though it's "just" banker class, it still pisses me off.
it may be obvious that i have become fairly addicted to re-editing my posts lately. i've also been culling the oldest of the archives because i was such an asshole! but then maybe that's the point of being 20, wallowing in asshole. point being, it disturbs me to read some of them and see how badly they reflect who i am now, and actually who i was then too, and so i'm editing. i'm feeling really conflicted lately about who i am. a lot of the realities of my life are changing. and while i expect to get shit about it in various ways, things must go on eh? it's fun living away from all expectations, and that is exactly what bar harbor is like for me. i always felt as though there was one way i was expected to be in high school. unerringly this was "nerd", and if i ever did anything that varied from that norm it was a shock. it was the same at hood except i was expected to be well, y'all know. especially sarah who was tainted by association. have i apologized enough for that yet? this is what happens when it's february and it's snowing like armageddon apparent and i have nothing to do but think and blog and write so much that when i get all the way down here i can't remember what my damn point was. so uhh, expections. well, here they are completely different from any i've experienced before. no one expects me to champion gay causes left and right, although sometimes i do. and that is refreshing after 4 years of it. the opposite of that is that i'm assumed to be completely straight. this i have confirmed with a party we'll call "jason" and WHOA is that a long story that i don't want to tell except that i will never ever date him, and not because he's a boy. that is becoming less of an issue, sort of like the eating of the mammals is becoming less of an issue. it's all part of the doing as one wishes referendum i passed a few months ago. oddly it's all harder than coming out in the first place, dating boys, eating chickens. how will i tell my parents?

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