April 05, 2005

tonight i am going to bangor, to babygap. where i will procure some ridiculously unnecessary and heartwrenchingly adorable garments for my niece. they have tiny jean jackets. how ridiculous would that be? too cute. i've arranged for mr. shy to come with me. does he like me enough to suffer the indignities of babygap? we'll see.
as there isn't much going on today (and the tellers were much overjoyed) has anyone heard about this not using red ink on school papers because it's too stressful? it's not the bomb threats, or the drug dogs, or the bullying in schools that stresses out the students, it's the red ink on papers. ********* on a crutch.

edited to add funny ass comments for posterity:
You added too many stars to properly represent the name of our Lord and Savior.

sarah | 04.05.05 - 9:55 am | #


i'm catholic, what do i know?
amy | Homepage | 04.05.05 - 10:17 am | #


Do you miss the pope?
sarah | 04.05.05 - 10:20 am | #


uhm, is that a rhetorical question?
amy | Homepage | 04.05.05 - 10:22 am | #


you mentioned you were catholic so i decided to score points for inappropriateness and mention the pope. 'cause he's dead.
sarah | 04.05.05 - 10:27 am | #


which would be the very definition of rhetorical. i'm not sad he is dead. he was a bad man. i did not like him. hmm, condoms...thousands of dead people...hmmm....hard choice...hmmm. bastard.
amy | Homepage | 04.05.05 - 10:36 am | #


red is the color of the devil.
sarah | 04.05.05 - 10:44 am | #


whores too!
amy | Homepage | 04.05.05 - 10:56 am | #

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