May 05, 2005

i have been rather short of inspiration lately. and also freezing* so my attention span is rather short. mostly i'm thinking about being cold, and well, that's BORING. i'm drinking hot tea at the moment. lemon lift. which makes me feel about a thousand years old but it's so lemony and refreshing. i ought to be studying for my bank class final...which i was supposed to do a few weeks ago...but we all forgot. i didn't know how exciting contract law could be. err.
nothing to report lately. no car accidents, no fires, no expensive broken electrical equiptment. rosalies is open, which is pretty cool. i'm going to see if i can talk matt into getting pizza for dinner. which means pretty much that i just have to ask him.** for the locals there's a new italian restaurant open for the summer. where pagliarulo's crashed and burned in the anthony's building, Pasta's should do pretty well. it's owned by locals with lots of connections, and not a real estate mogul from boston. also in the vein of gossip, acadia corp has bought miguel's and is going to give it a try. acadia corp has fewer friends, but more employees, in town so it will be interesting to see what comes of that.
Nature's Way cafe is no longer, not that they weren't doing well she just needs a break. There's going to be a breakfast restaurant there being run by a friend of ours, hopefully it'll do well this season.
i'm trying to do the vacation planning thing early this year. instead of packing the morning i leave. i'm thinking of who will look after my kitty. sara or mary would probably be happy to do it, i'm sure matt would too. the bonus of having matt do it is that chairman meow knows matt. and enjoys his attention very much. whereas she hides from strangers, ie mary or sara. i can't see him pawing through my belongings or otherwise being creepy. is that too girlfriendy a thing to ask?

*was i cold yesterday? was i cold monday? did i remember to bring a sweater to work today, uhm no.
**how much do i love that? lots.

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