June 29, 2005

the dvd player is dead. dead as a doornail. dead as roadkill. dead as the bank on this fine wednesday morning. tomorrow i am going to walmart to replace it with another 40 dollar dvd player that will last a year. and since that's still less than i spent on text messages last month* it's probably worth the money.
matt asked me to lunch today for our "monthaversary" and he said "i almost forgot, i'd be in so much trouble" to which i say "huh?" but then i told him i'd let him buy me flowers to make up for it and he very solemnly said "ok". i expect a hothouse of blooms any minute.
the squeals of harry potter fans are increasing everyday i work at the bookstore. including one child screaming "17 days! IT'S NOT FAIR". if it hadn't been so late at night i'd say that child has a long hard road ahead of him, but probably he was just tired. some of the more stalwart employees are making arrangements for harry potter night aswell. involving sleepovers. i very nearly offered my hard ass floor to one of the sweet girls who works in the center store. except the floor is hard. and i'd have to clean. and the cat would sleep on her head.*** but yet all this might be more in sweet girl's interest than the chattering chat chat chatty pants that she's probably staying with. that's one thing about this job. the chatting. it's very nearly all women. of varying ages. and the chatting. oooooh, the chatting. i can't stand much more chatting. chatting in front of customers. chatting while customers are actually being waited on. and the volume of the chattering. it's indecent. and it makes me completely INSANE. mary and i were discussing the swiftness with which we would fire these individuals, if we had the power. i don't care about your boyfriend's work schedule in boston at the hotel and how you told him you loved him while he was at work and then told all of the patrons aroudn you that he's your boyfriend and they were all so pleased for you and you all talked and drank and sang and went merrily off in to the sunset. I DON'T CARE, and the man trying to buy his copy of the latest dan brown doesn't care EITHER. ARGH. how do these people have jobs? HOW?

**(hehe) and i got my bill, and i was like holy shit! and i almost sent matt a text message about the text messaging bill but i was hit over the head with the irony and left bleeding in an alley.
***a privilege to save for those with whom i share lasting relationships.

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