July 25, 2005

the high points of daily existence recently have been: being told off by a walking policeman shouting "slow down!" when i was going 26 in a 25, scratching my glasses on a christmas tree, and working 65 hours a week. so i've been busy. and tired. and probably grumpy, although no one's commented on it. the upside is that it looks like working all these hours is finally going to make a difference financially. august, is going to be a good month. dammit.
i have been true to my plan to stay the hell out of the grocery store. i have a list in my wallet. milk, bread, eggs, butter, fresh veggies. those are the only things i am allowed to purchase. i have more grains and canned goods than any single person should ever have in their one bedroom apartment. if the apocolypse comes, i'm all set. if i could transition kitty to an all rice diet, she'd still be set for about three years. this evening i'm planning on making fried rice. i even have peapods. i'll use the long grain wild rice with dehydrated vegetables. that and the peapods practically equals gourmet. peapods really raise the calibur of any dish, they'll show those dehydrated veggies who's boss.
so when i'm not imagining little peapod men showing off their muscles, i've been reading the new harry potter. and sitting on my couch drooling. as SC suggested, one does have to hire in help for the laundry and the cleaning when one works all the damn time. on friday, matt arrived at my house half an hour before i did, and washed all my dishes. and whoa, were there a lot of them. and actually they were pretty gross. and then he bought me dinner. this could work out.

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