July 26, 2005

one of the guys who works upstairs saw me taking my netflix back to the post office, and promptly offered me his card so we can be "friends". since i have no like, i said sure, and now i have a friend. on netflix. i picked his favorite movie, lord of the fireflies, having never met him before. am i good or what?
i have about four books half read right now. i'm still reading the darcy book, i picked up the finer points of sausage dogs, a galley from the bookstore and i'm finishing my second reading of harry potter*. i have some books to send to folks. amongst other things, like ramen noodles for sarah. i've been playing with the idea of taking up coffee drinking. since my ass is dragging on more than just taking out the trash, and the clanking in my coffers isn't sufficient to motivate me, it might be a necessary step. and since i'm spending no money on food, i can sort of afford those extra sugary chocolate infused frozen drinks that aren't really coffee at all.
sara and i have been debating the dietary uselessness of such drinks. she argued it should count as dairy. and since cheese is dairy, it's practically atkins. and so cheez-its, while certainly crackers, are also atkins friendly because really they're cheese. not that either of us are on atkins, nor to say they we both probably couldn't stand to pay a bit more attention to our...uhm...diets, such as they are. mostly we're just bored out of our minds. more than actual diets, we discuss budgets. like budgets for food. sara and her fiance spent 600 dollars a month on groceries last year. for two people who weren't working, that is a shit load of money for food. i should probably budget, but i don't. laziness, fear of reality, i'm not sure why i don't budget. i'm sure i spent too much on cookies last winter, but i was under duress. i NEEDED the cookies. and i only bought the sale ones, so it hardly even counts. sad...

*the first time i read the lastest release, i read it as fast as possible because i need to know what happens. I NEED TO KNOW. and then i read it again to pick up the volumes of stuff i've missed in my info gathering reading. matt could not believe that i finished it in a day. he has a lot to learn.

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