July 28, 2005

so many exciting things to blog about.
firstly, the smake will be layeth on rick when he gets back from vacation.
secondly, i met dr. gottfried on the street in bar harbor. they love maine, they love bar harbor. she says hi to sarah. and we chatted about my dubious future. and you know the weird thing, i wasn't all that surprised to see her. i was kind of expecting it. strange.
but even better than that, you know why i was standing on the street while i should have been at work? because the power was out from 6 until about midnight. do you reckon the store closed? no, it did not. we worked from the light of my maglight and some kids camping lights from the toy section and my cell phone as the only working phone line. we sold a lot of candles, and batteries, and kid's camping flashlights. i very nearly murdered a child who flatly refused to select a book while his mother cajoled him for ten minutes and my flashlight arm grew weary.
while our generator didn't come on, and rite aid's generator didn't come on, Geddy's did. and as the only restaurant open in town, they served dinner until 2 am to alot of tourists with very literally nowhere else to go.

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