August 26, 2005

i tried on every pair of glasses in the city of bangor last night. some of them i liked. one of them i really liked, but the frames are almost as much as my rent, so i had to vote no. it's possible that some of them were perfectly fine, but i just couldn't decide. this happens more than not when i'm shopping. sarah can testify to that, having done alot more actual buying on our shopping trips than i have. i'm thinking i'll try again on saturday, by myself. not to say that matt was unhelpful. he did spend alot of time playing with a tractor at pearl.* he smiled and frowned accordingly. but since every pair i tried on was the same** i don't know how much i trust his judgement. my favorites were armani. my second favorites were very green. if they had been less green, i'd have taken them home. my third favorites were both green and black, affordable, but just a little too funky. there were cut out swirls which really worked better than it sounds, but just not quite me.
i should have made sunglasses a priority, as i have a road trip scheduled in a month. a road trip with AMYMAS. who is flying into bangor on the 24th. she actually bought tickets. I AM PSYCHED. i keep hitting matt and saying "AMY'S COMING". mary has encouraged me to take friday off "sick" because i'm out of vacation days. bless her. we're going to canada. i'm going to cross the border again. matt offered to clean the car again so it'll be neat incase they search it. he's so thoughtful.

and also, just because it's interesting, did y'all know that russia has more than one currency. me neither. furthermore, a foreign bank has to have a correspondent bank to recieve a wire transfer in US Funds. this russian bank does not have a correspondent bank. but they only deal in us funds. which is, by the first rule, impossible. funny.

* who knew john deere made eyeglasses? "hey jim, i like those specs." "thanks bill, there deere's". tee hee hee.

** a comment for which i made him buy me ice cream. because they were not all the same, and also i wanted ice cream.

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