August 17, 2005

why just decorate the comments section with my culinary prowess. why not spread the love of chocolate far and wide...

"the mousse was very good. i changed the ratios*, 11 ozs melted dark chocolate to 16 oz whipping cream. you have to fold it A LOT for it to be smooth and i think i'll use less chocolate next time. it makes a LOT of mousse**, but it's very good and simple. easier than the egg varieties.
as a topping to cake, it's too much chocolate for me. which surprised matt as i was nearly confused for a chocolate importer at the border crossing***. but he really liked it. i think a more dense cake than the chocolate butter cake would be better. or alone with some plain whipped cream. also, decorative chocolate flakes help you pretend you folded enough and cover the chunks well."

i have also been teaching matt the wonders of garlic. his mother never used garlic, so he must be taught. he's starting to like what i cook most of the time. YAY!

*did i even mention the recipe before?
**can one have too much mousse?
***not really.

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