September 13, 2005

every time i blog the computer eats it. it's getting rather frustrating and i'm starting to worry that the main office is getting my transmissions when they come to fix the computers.
i've been doing a lot of shopping online. but all in the interest of saving money. i picked up some sale jeans at the gap, and some wholesale spices i can't wait to get, and some things at the honeysuckle shop for sarah's wedding since there's a bit of a sale on. since i have to buy sarah a coffeemaker or some such for the actual wedding, some on sale fun stuff is the perfect addition to her wedding present. and i can give it to her without her whole family watching, so that's good too. it's all very exciting.
as tonight might be our last night grilling, it's getting really cold not to mention dark, we're having a very traditional barbecued chicken with Kraft(r) original sauce. this is in homage to holly's mom who makes the best chicken ever, with kraft sauce. there's just something about it. like cooking voodoo. matt was given a choice between grilled chicken and chicken tacos* and he chose grilled. i think i'm going to add mashed potatoes and skewered squash and i have to do something with some tomatoes. if we were having tacos i could've made fresh salsa. i don't know what i'll do with them now, they might well end up skewered.
this week i have read almost all of the #1 ladies detective agency books, i'm working on the last one now. they are adorable and charming, no matter what thay lady customer last night said. who subsequently chose the incident of the dog in the night for her laid back beach read. if you tell me all of my suggestions are awful WHY DO YOU STILL WANT MY SUGGESTION? i just don't get it.
another customer asked if i went to harvard. and then if i worked at harvard. and then if i lived in cambridge. apparently i look just like a young woman in the harvard square area. another very sweet woman asked me what a puffin was. she'd never heard of them before. i had wanted to ask her where she was from but i thought it might have been rude. now i wish i had. many students from COA came in looking for the great gatsby, which we have been trying to get for them. they are all severely bummed that we don't have it. but i say, didn't these kids go to highschool? doesn't everyone have to read the great gatsby? like ethan frome?

*in retrospect i don't think matt knows what chicken tacos are. i imagine he was choosing between ground chicken with taco sauce and filets on the grill. the better idea would have been not to ask him and just make the tacos. he doesn't need all that free will, it just confuses him.

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