October 21, 2005

i got a raise. i'm very excited. no stupid two jobs next summer. so, it's only 3:30 and i have alot more time than i thought. to blog. and read gilead which is really really good. matt and i went to target last night. i got chairman meow a pink catnip mouse, with a very alarmed face. and with good reason. she gnawed on that thing like, well, like a cat eating catnip but it was fascinating (it seems with that imagery an analogy isn't really necessary). she totalled the thing within minutes. matt tried to take it from her to engage her in more active, less destructive play, so she took it in her mouth and ran under the couch. on the one hand it was worth the 2.50 because she really seemed to enjoy it. on the other i'm a little pissed that she destroyed it so unceremoniously, instead of ehhh...savoring it. atleast she enjoyed it.

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