October 18, 2005

i had a post all written, but our servers died. i hate that. but now i can't remember at all what i had written so i'm starting over. we spent most of the day thinking out mary's halloween costume. she's going to be professor mcgonagall. i think i'm going to try for tonks if i can find pink hair spray. we're trying to find a character for sara but she's just not as excited as we are. hermione could work, as sara has a lot of hair, but it's a toss up until the day.
i found a bunch of good squash soup recipes and a recipe for squash cookies i'll put up on the fridge just to unnerve matt. i was looking at all sorts of house wifey things to do for the holidays. one was cookies on sticks in the shapes of flowers. and then you stick them in a terra cotta pot. adorable. i really should be a housewife. god, how annoying would i be then? i don't think i could stand it all day, best to keep it a hobby.

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