October 14, 2005

i just ordered a new usb cord for the digital camera. when i get home, i will look somewhere like the coffee table and the original cord will be sitting there, ready to use. guaranteed. i searched the house all weekend, while also cleaning and trashing all of these strange things i've been inexplicably saving and moving for YEARS. one can put both feet under my kitchen table now. it's amazing. anyway, without the cord the camera's just an expensive paperweight so it was worth the 15 dollars to replace it.
old navy opened in bangor last night. i wasn't going to go. matt came over and since he spent the day sniffing kerosene i didn't think he'd be up to going anywhere...but he was. so we went. it's the smallest old navy i've ever seen. sadly there's no clearance in a BRAND NEW STORE so it was kind of a bust. but we had a really nice dinner, and the weather was good for a drive. very fally with the foliage.
on monday the big boss from the MO is coming to visit. so i'll have to be professional. we're hoping to get sara benefits and me a raise. wish us luck.

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