October 31, 2005

i've been consumed by all manner of things lately, and nothing particularly worth blogging about. however, the sun is shining and it's halloween and everyone is in a good mood. i got my rent refund back to the tune of 245 dollars and i'm very very excited about it. it'll be gone to bills soon enough, but it's a very cool of the state of maine to give me some of my taxes back.
saturday was maine day, the day maine hunters can take to the woods and kill stuff without worrying about out-of-staters shooting anything that moves in their back yards.* matt didn't go hunting saturday. he worked in his yard moving rocks from one pile to another while his brother, his father, some friends and some people no one knew hunted his land. i learned all kinds of stuff about hunting. if you're wearing orange, even if you don't have a gun, the game warden will think you're hunting without a liscense and you will go to jail. you can only hunt does with a special permit. matt's brother will make like he's going to skin you with his hunting knife repeatedly, such is the urge to kill. i guess. heater hunters are to be despised by one and all.** to post your land against hunters you'd have to put up a sign every 50 feet***. matt has over two hundred acres and he refuses to pay for all those signs. also, no one gives a shit about posting including the police unless you make a very significant complaint. when matt walks his property, he brings a gun. for trespassers or bears. apparently his neighbor baits bears. which is a little nerve wracking. i've been warned to run from bears downhill, and then turn at 90 degrees. bears can't stop, so if you're going downhill they roll. which is sort of scary and funny at the same time. it was all about hunting this weekend. i was a little nervous that matt wasn't wearing any orange. he told me not to wear any white, or brown, because a lot of people see those colors as triggers. according to the men folk, this is a reason not to wear underwear while hunting. even though it's effing cold. i don't suppose i would want to get my dick shot if i had one.

*out-of-staters are not the only ones who shoot at anything that moves, and i'm sure they're not all assholes, but they bear the burden of the geographic roots by having to start hunting a week later.
**dudes who wear the orange and have guns and probably liscences but just drive around until they see deer...rather than stalk and suffer the cold like the real men.
***you can also put three diagonal lines in the trees, every fifty feet on the border of your property.

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