November 16, 2005

last week i took a sick day (was it even last week, i can't remember). i thought i felt bad enough to stay home and veg and mope and clean my whole house. and then there is now. now i am very very sick. i am at work because mary isn't here and i don't want to cause trouble. what i want to do is get a big shop vac hold it to my nostrils until my head is clear. matt thought that was a bad idea until he got sick too and now he says he'll take me to home depot. bless him.
i'd rather go to the grocery and re-stock the juice supplies. i'm thinking like a cart full of orange and maybe cranberry. for diversity. we're supposed to barbecue tonight, but i think we'll probably just drink six cartons of juice and groan till bedtime. when i suggested this matt said "don't make me laugh, i can't laugh cough and sneeze at the same time". i guess i'm the better multi-tasker.

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