April 25, 2006

i'm getting more resigned to the paint color in the bedroom. particularly as we have so much of it. we could paint the entire house inside and out i think. a world of pistachio. there is however a small problem with the wiring. the light in the bedroom works great, but none of the four switches in the house control it. every single swith (bedroom, bathroom, hallway) turns on and off the same light...in the living room. it's hilarious. especially as matt didn't do the wiring. his dad and his brother, the professional contractors, did it. they're going to have a great time figuring it out.

we're waiting for the ground to dry out to do the rest of the work. i have more painting to do and matt has a big long list of things to do. since i know nothing about pumps and lines and connecting the toilet...it's my job to go shopping all day and bring lunch at the appropriate hour. i can handle it, just about. it's almost sunny today so they might start work soon. i can't wait to have water out there.

in other news, matt's mom's birthday is friday. we painted a platter and i'm making her cream puffs (she doesn't like cake but she told me last year her mom used to make her cream puffs so i'm going for the kiss up award for making them). i really hope she likes them. i hadn't considered she'd gone off them but then they're never in the house. oh well, i have a week to worry about.

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