April 11, 2006

why i love our trainee teller, a play in one act.

scene: two cars are parked together almost as though a battery is about to be jumped.

christine: i think we need to move your car a little closer
amy: yes, i was afraid to run you over. now i will get in my car and turn the key and hit the gas as to propel the vehicle forward.
(amy walks toward door of car)

enter morons 1 & 2, stage left

moron 1 : someone said you guys don't know what you're doing
moron 2 :yeah.

amy & christine: uhhhh, hello

moron 2 : these cars aren't close enough

amy: well thanks, but we're on it

moron 1: maybe we can like will it to move with our minds.

christine : don't you have a game of dungeons and dragons to get to?

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