July 10, 2006

an obviously cloven-hooved woman from new jersey shook her head at me when i waved her to a stop so a mother and child could cross the street. the babies must be made of rubber in jersey, that's all i can figure. it's been quite a week for incidents in tourist-ville. some gentleman (ahem) almost hit me with his cigarette while i took my lunch time walk. and we just watched a van from new york hit a truck not once, not twice, but three times while parallel parking. and then they got out. and looked at their van. and shed not a glance at the truck. nor it's owner. who was in the bank and watched his truck get hit three times. personally, since i know that people here have rifles in their trucks, i wouldn't upset the owner of a truck in maine. but maybe new yorkers travel armed too, what do i know?

this blog is quickly becoming the assholes on vacation chronicles. i really want to chalk "I live here DAMNIT" on my hood but it probably wouldn't help. i'll just seeth until october. and drool.

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