May 31, 2003

so ahh, it's 7:30 and i have to leave at 8 to be at work at 9:30. i left myself a bunch of messes to clean up because i wanted to go HOME!!! and the people, were there, browsing, and i said LEAVE!!!! but they wouldn't, and they held guns to my head and said "tell me about these prints, NOW BITCH" or maybe it was just "what nice work" and a bunch of cappucinos but really it was all the same to me ten minutes after closing time. go home, don't you have homes!!! what does that come from sarah, i want to say adam sandler. yesterday i made a bunch of lasagne, were not sure but i realllllly wanted to. it's all in the freezer and i feel like a proper little house wife. i have b-day gifts for my holly and my sarah if ever i can post them. sarah's was made by a big dyke which is ofcourse very appropriate. i must be you all!!!

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