April 17, 2004

sarah, when you were little did you get patriots day off from school? i can't remember. mary was riotting because the bank does not count it as a holiday anymore. she says it's a new england holiday, ie the patriots. should i have known that do you think? also did you get MLK day off. i know we didn't have that holiday. NH and one other state out west didn't do it. i don't know why, but it's very new hampshire. maybe it had something to do with snow days. maybe they traded with patriots day.
we also had winter break and spring break, which they don't even do in maine. in maine folks just go south for a few weeks in february so they can see the sun again. it's amazing the difference without daylight savings. I had gotten used to driving home at 4 in the dark with the coyotes howling but now it's not dark until almost 7. talk about progress. and thankfully you can't hear the coyotes at the new house, it's not as close to acadia and i don't think they wander too far from the park. i like it here for it's remoteness but the coyotes in my driveway freaked me out.

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