May 10, 2004

it is my wisdom tooth and not a shard of bone working it's way out of my skull. well, i guess that is what teeth are but you get my meaning. mr. dentist said i do not have to have it removed unless it starts to cause pressure or pain. neither of which i have had. and now i am paranoid that i will think i'm feeling pressure or pain or i will neglect said pressure or pain because i'll think i'm imagining it. so essentially i'm going to drive myself crazy.
the dentist said he liked to keep in the wisdom teeth incase you ever need an extra molar. in case of emergencies. he was really very funny and i liked him alot. i think i need to look at what my dental insurance covered my cleaning, actually 2 a year. but it does not cover the sealants i have to get this summer. it would cover 80% of my fillings if they were cavities. we can only hope.

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