January 05, 2005

the good news from home is that my dad is very willing to let me have christine's car for a price yet to be determined. the bad news, which really should be good news, is that my mom has ordered me a christmas present. clothes. from a catalog. mmm. yeah. there are so many things wrong with that. so many. so many that i can't even fit them in my mind to blog about them all. she said it was a coat, and a jacket. atleast it's not an outfit. i should be grateful for that. it's not a purple velour pantsuit (she attempted to give me same 3 visits ago) and it's not a peasant skirt ensemble priced in the 100's (attempted to give me on christmas). a coat and a jacket might be reasonable. atleast i can return them. err. (life sucks: receives christmas presents)
selfish whiner=me

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