March 03, 2005

check me out, i'm having lunch with moonshadow later! woohoo. mary asked me to bring her back a nice drink from the whale. maybe not in front of the customers. it's been a very long day, all ready. you see, when the computers go down, it sucks mightily. not just because i can't blog every 30 seconds...which hurts deep in my soul...we can't really do work. well we can, because they did have banking before computers, but oh my god with the hard. and it's not because i'm a girl and i can't do math, even though i am a girl and i can't do math, it's because i'm totally and completely dependant on the computer (which i suppose is equally pathetic and sad). you see, it has all the account numbers in it. and all the balances. and there are these rules in banking that like the cash actually has to like match. so you have to like enter all the ins and outs from the fancy adding machine and pray that it comes out even. and if it doesn't, you go down for embezzlement. which we really don't want to do. so it took a few hours, but i finally got my drawer even. if we had like, more than 10 customers yesterday, i think i might have had a breakdown. mary already had hers, but she still wants a drink. or seven.

all right, so i know that was wicked boring. but i had to vent a little. forgive me. in other news holly and i had a very funny conversation about being pregnant in the school health center. apparently this is a nationwide problem. remember how at hood you had to swear in blood that you weren't pregnant before they'd look at your sore throat. that was awful. "so, you're sure you're not pregnant" "yes" "are you really, sometimes these things happen" "no, really, it's not possible" (annoyingly saccharine smile)"well actually..." "I AM A VIRGIN/DYKE/MENSTRUATING just give me some damn antibiotics". apparently holly once turned her ankle and they gave her the third degree about it. (like the two are at all relevant to eachother. your ankle is pretty damn far from your uterus.) "don't you see me take the free condoms when i leave here, i'm not pregnant" god she's funny. maybe it is a recurring problem that pregnant women are inadvertantly given cold medicine they shouldn't have, but it sucked to have to come out repeatedly just to get your temperature read.

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