March 30, 2005

i have four kinds of pink glittery lip covering type stuff in my paper clip drawer. four. all different. and yet the same. four. i'm astounded really. i also found my letter opener. which is ironic because today mary and i asked dennis to send us some from his part of the bank. you truly only find something when you replace it. i have repotted my rose in the ugliest ceramic pot known to man. it's not even ugly enough to be sort of cool in it's ugliness. it's ugly that thinks it's attractive. but no. really it's just ugly. and it's only on my station because it was free and mary "liberated" it from the common storage room.
i think i have finally seen to all the little notes that i've been leaving for myself. and i have "RENT" drawn on my hand so hopefully i won't forget to like, pay it, for this month. that would suck.

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