June 15, 2005

monday night i met bill kotzwinkle, author of walter:the farting dog, and his very nice wife. i opened the six gazillion books he had to sign. while we sat in the basement of the bookstore. sweating. did i mention the hot. no? probably it was too hot to blog. you know what's too hot in maine? 95 degrees in june is too hot in maine. TOO HOT. it was 95 degrees all weekend and on monday. have you ever seen a cat sweat? she was pissed. but then tuesday, oh tuesday, it dropped to the high forties. and it was cold, nay freezing. and the cat, she was pissed again. geez.
i am excited abut the couch. i am excited about reid's birthday barbecue, where i've been promised jeff will hula wearing a coconut bra. i'm very excited to see holly who'll be on spring break and tentatively excited to see christine, our highschool friend whom i haven't spoken to in years...but who very nicely sent a card two weeks ago.
sara had a family emergency and had to leave monday and tuesday, but praise the lord is back today. i am full of relief and hershey's kisses (because when you tell sara you need 12 pounds of chocolate...she delivers) to have her back again.
did i write about having dinner at matt's parents house? did i mention that my hair is too short and it's making my life hard? is it too much to say that i dreamed about my mom and woke up crying with the cat licking my face?

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