June 13, 2005

this is the loveseat sofa that is on it's way to me from phildelphia RIGHT NOW. after holly is canonized, i'm going to buy her dinner. and maybe ice cream. the question now is how to get the sofa from nashvegas to here. mr. matt offered to drive his truck down. i was going to suggest borrowing my mom's car for the week. we'll see. strapping it to the removable roof seems not the brightest idea. but surely if the box can fit in holly's elantra, it can fit in my trunk.
horror of horrors i'm spending the next two days with tia. remember tia? how christlike and serene she is. mary is with the trainees and sara had a family emergency (which is sad but not sad enough for me to not punish her for making me work with jam master t two days in a row). it's a good thing i have a couch to look forward to. an upholstered cushiony light at the end of the tunnel.
last week i got my hair cut. mr. matt came with me to wait, and did the whole babysitting my bag thing...which i rather think he liked. he seems to take great pleasure in being whipped (obligatory cracking of whip sound). he seems to enjoy the "emasculating*" things that boyfriends are required to do to please girlfriends so they'll get blowjobs later.** i, however, do not enjoy many of them. i'm not a hold hands down the street sort of person (unless it's sarah) or IN THE MALL, for god's sake. but i didn't mind letting him sit next to my bag. holly says the ultimate test is if he goes into victoria's secret with you. it would be worth it strictly as an experiment. for analysis. and blog fodder. it'll be like on survivor except it'll be the victoria's secret challenge instead of the swallowing live bugs thing.
sara brought us cannoli. and since tia won't eat anything she can't pronouce...IT'S ALL MINE! it's a beautiful thing.

*i don't really mean this, but...you know what i mean.

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