July 06, 2005

and i made the reservations and we'll be staying here. yay for canada. yay for canadian money. it's all very exciting. i can't wait to spend canadian money. matt is less excited, as it's his money we'll be spending. but i chose a way cheaper hotel than he did. and it has a jacuzzi, and a balcony. who says i'm not thrifty?

actually it must be a genetic thing. we all know my mom was a shopper, a true and sincere shopper, my father is about to trump all her purchases. he's pondering the purchase of one of these. holy shit. happy birthday daddy. remember that cookbook i got you, well, yeah, it SUCKS in comparison...but you'll give me pity excitement anyway.

matt is very excited about my dad's dream car. they'll have plenty to talk about when he comes home with me next weekend. i can't even fathom how weird it's going to be. i can't postulate the weirdness. it's just too weird. too weird. i can't even continue to post, i'm struck dumb by this possibility. weird.

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