July 07, 2005

as mare has hinted, it has been a parade of freaks in here lately. it's a phenomenon named summer. the worst part is when mary's gone and i'm in charge. it's my least favorite when i have to tell the bastard from minnesota that our canadian exchange rate is our rate and we don't compromise. and then he told us we'd cash a "corporate" check for him. he really seemed to think "corporate" was the magic word. because, as we all know, corporations are always legit and have crystal clean finances and the people who sign those corporate checks are the gems of our species and would never defraud anyone. so really it was our stupid policy that was holding this man back. and whoa, did he and his wife have a a nice laugh about our backwater ways on his way to a "real" bank. gee, i hope they enjoyed their vacation.
in the craziness that is summer and vacations and well, lots of people quitting for various reasons...we've been covering somesville for lunches. well, sara has. i've been here with the crazies*. and since sara spends a goog deal of her day not here, i've been the only witness to mary threatening to pull the plug on the money counter if it didn't start to co-operate. and also the thing where she talked like kermit from the muppets for half and hour just because i like it. she's the best.
in good news i have my car back and it has brakes ON ALL FOUR WHEELS! ironically my dad is contemplating giving me my mom's car, probably because he doesn't want me to be squashed like a bug in the honda. matt seemed very disapointed that i might sell the honda, as he has become rather attached to it. apparently it's a jewel to work on, it's all metric. he was practically beaming as he told me about the metric thing, and then he sort of mumbled to himself about whether nissan is all metric? i don't get it, but he changed my oil for free and we're going tire shopping this weekend. he suggested i keep the honda for summers and the nissan for the winters. otherwise he's found a set of snow tires for me. it's nice that he's so worried about my safety, in a control freak kind of way.

* oh my, the crazies. one of our favorite and best customers was in line to make a deposit. and while technically she passed through the door first and was clearly next in line by the right of way we all learned in kindergarten, the lady who came in behind her came and stood RIGHT THE FUCK next to her while she commenced her deposit. our favorite customer, the liquor store, took a step back and said "why don't you go ahead of me" and the woman did and i sent her to another bank because per article on of this post you can't cash any check at any bank at random, but i digress...anyway, so crazy 1 left and just as i was saying "gee, banking is really very private, we should have a velvet rope or something" crazy 2 came walking up and stood directly next to our favorite customer. and then started asking her questions. questions like: "how often do you make deposits?" "do you always deposit that much cash?" "what time do you usually come to the bank?" "and where do you work?". i happen to know that the lady who was asking the questions isn't likely to be a robber, but for real. where is the common sense folks? if it's so common, how come no one can find it (pinched from some asshole making fun of his wife at the bookstore last night, jerk).

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