August 29, 2005

i found frames that i liked, for glasses and sunglasses. they weren't exactly cheap, but i'm satisfied with the price. i waited for an hour an a half (i figured for two pairs, i could hardly hold them to the hour for crafting my lenses) and then they were all ready for me to try on. AND THE FUCKING PRESCRIPTION IS WRONG. do we remember what happened last time i got new glasses. i do. the precription was wrong. and i had to go to the ellsworth office and have them fix it. apparently ellsworth and bar harbor don't comunicate because the asshats here in bar harbor started with the bad prescription. so, if you're eye is falling out of your head, drive to ellsworth. it's worth it. trust me.
i'm actually a little less aggravated today. i was a wee bit irate after spending most of my saturday before work waiting for the wrong glasses to be made. not that it's the fault of the nice people at lenscrafters. they were lovely. they all helped me pick between two frames and they were adorable about it in their matching black coats. very perky. according to matt the frames are very amy. they're sort of brown and yellow, but really they're nice although in print that sounds pretty awful. they're cute, really.
i spent yesterday on my hands and knees and not in a fun way. the floor is the cleanest it's been since i've lived there. i totally flattened the scrub brush, that's how determined my scrubbing was. i asked matt if it looked cleaner, and he said "did you wash it?" and i said "i scrubbed it for hours..." and he said "that's a start..." and then i stabbed him with a meat thermometer just like in that movie with gwyneth paltrow and now I have to scrub it again because you wouldn't believe the staining. what he doesn't realize is that i only scrubbed it so that next time he offers to scrub it, it won't be as embarrassing and i'll say yes, please do scrub my floor. and then cook me a chicken pot pie.
but maybe that's the sleep deprivation speaking.

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