August 30, 2005

i've just returned from the eyedoctor. my lenses are totally exactly what i want, but they're too flat. according to mr. doctor man. could i be less satisfied? maybe if i sat in the waiting room for half an hour without acknowledgement, was smiled and nodded at for 1/2 hour and then sent on the path to curvier lenses with no true acknowledgement about anything i was having trouble with i'd be less satisfied, but wait...
i sent matt some rather colorful texts while waiting. he offered to come bitch with me, but since i can't see how that would further my cause i decided just to keep sending him texts until he gets fired. clearly the wise choice.
i'm wearing the offending flat lenses now, and i have to admit that i can read the tiniest words from accross the room. but since that doesn't help with my depth perception in situations like, uhm, crossing traffic i'm not sure how great it really is.
because the bookstore lost half it's staff, i spent the evening by myself telling the odd customers that "no, we're not a used bookstore" and the even ones "no, there isn't another bookstore in Bar Harbor". and also, you know you're a dork when you spend most of your evening describing the difference between Eragon and Aragorn. and whoa, are there alot of scary websites with you type in aragorn. like this one, this one, and this one. maybe not scary as in like, BOO, but who has that much free time? Eragon the book is very popular and Eldest, has incited as many requests from children as harry potter. not as many adults, but definitely as many kids. atleast in town. a very sweet boy who was on vacation told me his copy is waiting for him at home. he left after the release date but he wasn't going to spring the 15 dollars to have it the day it was released. "no one needs a book that bad". some kids rock.

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