June 08, 2005

i am enjoying the selling of the books. most of my co-workers are really nice* and there's chocolate under the cash register and we get a %25 discount on stuff. mmm, books! there are already a couple of titles i'm eyeing. a sequel to pride and prejudice called "mr. darcy takes a wife" which sounds like a good time and the new charles todd. i'm very excited about it really. it's perfect. i'm hoping to get to work the midnight friday harry potter party, because i'm a dork. you know really, i have a very serious attachment to books. anyone who went to school with me or ever borrowed a book from me knows this already. i'm anal about a lot of things, but i think the book thing trumps all. but enough about me being anal.
i met sugarcrook himself. very entertaining, scared of the whale with good reason, and hopefully enjoying cookies from morning glory if they weren't stolen off his doorstep**. while we were out i received many tortured texts from matt who was in the paving traffic with the heat on watching his thermostat reach new and exciting levels***.
yesterday i received a very fab box from pinky containing all manner of fun. the new tellers must think we're nuts, but sara and i had a good time throwing the flashing ball at eachother and postulating about the sour gummy hot dogs. i see driftwood figurines in your future pinky!

*it's not really that she's not nice. it's that i got a false impression at my interview. as the boss asked me what i knew about books and authors, i assumed that some book knowledge was a requirement for work in the bookstore...but no. so this lady i worked with last night knows nothing about books or authors and always looks at me like i'm a fool for asking her questions. silly me.
**i didn't realize until after i left him the cookies that maybe it was creepy for an internet acquaintance to leave you baked goods. they could be poisoned. well, ofcourse not but you never know.
***infamous repaving of route 3. just far enough to mean that taking the bayside road doesn't help, just late enough that tourist and employee traffic is on the rise and just hot enough to make sitting in traffic the opposite of comfortable****.
****which reminds me of driving home up 495 in accident traffic and passing a jeep cherokee with some hot and creative members of our armed forces sitting atop it with a cooler. they had cokes. it would have been a truly awesome comercial, except for the burnt out camry a mile up the road.

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